Graduation Information
Graduating English Seniors in their last semester who have a DegreeWorks progress at 99% or 97% (Except English Honor Students) and lower, please contact your advisor, Gina Karp. If the DegreeWorks progress reads “98% completion”, follow these steps to Apply for Graduation:
Commencement Information:
Chancellor’s and Dean’s List:
Graduation with Distinction:
Students may earn undergraduate degrees at different levels of distinction: Cum Laude (“With Honor”), Magna Cum Laude (“With Great Honor”), and Summa Cum Laude (“With Highest Honor”). Each of the undergraduate degrees is awarded Cum Laude when the graduating student’s cumulative grade point average is 3.4 or more but less than 3.7, Magna Cum Laude when it is at least 3.7 but less than 3.9, and Summa Cum Laude when it is at least 3.9. To be eligible to graduate with distinction, a student must be in good academic standing and have a grade point average computed on at least 48 credit hours completed in residence at UNC Charlotte. Students who have fewer than 48 credit hours completed in residence at UNC Charlotte may petition the Office of the Provost to receive graduation with distinction (note: petition option effective Fall 2021).
Diploma Status: