October 2020, No. 1

Categories: Kudos

Monday, October 5, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

It’s been a while, but here are some of the wonderful things our faculty have been up to of late. Kudos to you all!

Alan Rauch participated in a ConTinual panel on graphic novels.  Here is the link:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/ConTinual/permalink/682181605727748/

JuliAnna Avila published an article, “#MultimediaResponse: Instagram as a Reading Activity in a University English Class,” in press with the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy.

This summer, Allison Hutchcraft published two poems in The Cimarron Review and a poem in Poetry Northwest. Two poems are forthcoming in the next issue of The Gettysburg Review. Her forthcoming book, Swale, is due out this October from New Issues Poetry & Prose and is available for preorder: https://newissuespress.com/swale-by-allison-hutchcraft/

Mark West was quoted in a Rwandan newspaper. Here is the link:  https://www.newtimes.co.rw/lifestyle/government-launches-one-month-reading-challenge

Mark West gave a lecture, “Theodore Roosevelt and the Makings of an Activist Reader.” The lecture was part of a series titled Rites of Reading at the University of Michigan. It was a public lecture, but it was also tied to a special seminar: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11lhxFLq5RZ0W0-rRS3FBXEgrBQgPkC9y5uZ2EGu9axA/edit#slide=id.gc6f75fceb_0_5