January/February Missive
Hi all.Welcome back from what I hope was a relaxing/productive Spring Break! We are now officially on the downhill side of the semester. Here’s hoping that the next two months go well for everyone. March, as you may have noticed, is the season for university and college committee nominations. Very soon, I will be sending out a […]
November Missive
Hi all. I hope that everyone is doing well as we move into Fall 2024’s final exam period. Thanks to all of you who were able to attend the holiday party yesterday afternoon. From what I could see, faculty, staff, and students had a very good time. FYI –CHESS undergraduate commencement will take place December […]
Letter from the Chair – November
Hi all. I hope that everyone is well and had a good October. Registration for Spring semester classes began a week ago on Monday. Ads for the tenure-line positions in Creative Writing and Digital Humanities have now been posted on Niner Talent. Please share with potential applicants. Our next department meeting is November 15th, from 11 until 12:30pm. FYI Our […]
Letter from the Chair – September 2024
Hi all. As promised, I’m sending out my first department missive. I’m planning on sending one of these out every month, so please email details to me about your recent achievements and about upcoming events. I will not only include this information in missives, but I will also forward it to CHESS for possible college […]
August 15, 2024
Hi all. I’m writing to welcome all of you back after what I hope was a revivifying and productive summer. Tomorrow, CHESS will be hosting an all faculty-staff meeting in Fretwell 100 from 8:30 until 11:00am. Among other things, this gathering will give all of us a chance to hear from our new Dean, Chris […]
June 19, 2024
Dear Colleagues, I hope your summer is going well. I write to let you know that today is my last day in the office. I will be taking vacation days through June 30. On July 1, a new and very capable English Department leadership team will be in place. Next year is sure to be an […]
April 22, 2024
Dear Colleagues, Congratulations to all the students who received awards and recognition at the English Department’s Awards Ceremonyon Friday. It was a wonderful celebration that honored many outstanding students in our undergraduate and graduateprograms. Many thanks to Paula Connolly, who chaired the Awards committee, and to members of the committee, Balaka Basu,Tiffany Morin, and Daniel […]
February 27, 2024
Dear Colleagues, I am sure everyone is looking forward to Spring Break next week. It is hard to believe that we are halfway through the semester. No doubt, the remainder of the semester will go very quickly. Here a couple of reminders for this week: Unsatisfactory grade reports are due Friday, March 1, by noon. Summer book […]
January 9, 2024
Dear Colleagues, Welcome back! The spring semester has arrived and no doubt you will soon be very busy. Here are a few important dates to keep in mind as your classes get underway: Our first department meeting of the semester will be Friday, January 19. Writing Resources Center and WRDS faculty Dr. Jan Rieman and Dr. Katie Garahan […]
December 11, 2023
Dear Colleagues, As you finish giving exams and grading papers this week, please remember that grades are due Monday 12/18 by noon. If you are teaching cross-listed courses, make sure you submit grades for all sections that you are teaching. I also want to let you know that I will be taking vacation days this […]