
Congratulations to Aaron on the publication of The Cannibal Owl. A novella drifting through the broken plains of 1820s Texas, Aaron Gwyn’s latest venture into the American frontier tells a riveting coming-of-age story. Read more information about the book here: https://bellepointpress.com/products/the-cannibal-owl

Dr. Maya Socolovsky Publishes New Book
Congratulations to Maya on the publication of The Documented Child: Migration, Personhood, and Citizenship in Twenty-First-Century U.S. Latinx Children’s Literature. More information about the book here: https://uapress.arizona.edu/book/the-documented-child

Dr. Mark West’s Interview About President Jimmy Carter
This week, the country is remembering former President Jimmy Carter, who died just over a week ago at age 100. President Biden has declared Thursday to be a national day of mourning as the state funeral for Carter is held in Washington, D.C. He also leaves behind a rich literary legacy having written more than […]

Prof. Bryn Chancellor teaching a class at Charlotte Lit
UNC Charlotte Prof. Bryn Chancellor is teaching a class on T 10/29 at Charlotte Lit (@charlottelit). There are a few seats left! The course draws from East Asian garden design, in particular the technique of shakkei—“borrowed scenery” or “borrowed landscape,” which embraces features beyond a bordered space and makes them essential to the view; this […]

Pliar Blitvich Publishes New Book
The English Department is happy to announce that Pilar’s new book Influencer Discourse: Affective relations and identities has just been published. Co-edited with Alexandra Georgakopoulou (King’s College), this very timely volume of essays includes a lengthy introduction written by the editors and a chapter by Pilar focusing on Hilaria Baldwin, who was canceled amid accusations of cultural […]

Eastern Illinois Poet visits Department
Poet Amie Whittemore, author of, most recently, Nest of Matches, gave a poetry reading in the English department on October 8. Whittemore was joined by special guest readers from our English M.A. and Honors programs: Alex Beets, Keyana Daye, Sarah Engle, Rachel Harr, Ronnie Moore, Maya Osaka, MacKenzie Ridge, Anna Grace Thrailkill, and Will Washburn. […]

Anna Graham (English BA/MA) Community Engagement Coordinator at Promising Pages
Anna Graham (BA in English, MA in English with a concentration in Children’s Literature) is the new Community Engagement Coordinator at the nonprofit organization, Promising Pages. As a nonprofit organization, Promising Pages collects new and donated books and shares them with children living in the Charlotte Area Book Desert: those with few, if any, books at home. […]

Thomas Gordon (English, 2020) Passes NC Bar Exam
A former English major, Thomas Gordon (2020), just passed the North Carolina Bar Examination. He graduated from Elon University School of Law in 2023. Congratulations, Thomas!

Pilar Blitvich Publishes New Book
The Department of English is happy to announce the publication of Professor Pilar Blitvich’s new book Evaluating identities online: Case studies from the Spanish speaking world (see attachment below). Pilar co-edited this timely collection of essays with Patricia Bou-Franch (Universitat de Valencia) and co-authored one of its chapters. The volume is published by Palgrave. Congratulations Pilar! This book […]

Meet Our MA in English Fulbright Scholars!
My name is Anastasiia Malakhova and I am from the city of Million Roses – Donetsk, Ukraine. I graduated from Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University majoring in English and German Languages and Literatures. Becoming a writer has always been my dream, and with the Fulbright Ukraine scholarship, I’m closer to achieving it. My passion lies […]