
Reading, Writing, & Race – An Exhibit
Please visit Room 290 B foe the exhibit: “TOBE: The Story of Rural African American Children in North Carolina” Curated by Dr. Benjamin Filene Chief Curator North Carolina Museum of History 290B Fretwell (in the English Department) Whose story gets told? Who gets to tell it? How do stories shape how we see ourselves and […]

Women Editors of Shakespeare
The UNC Charlotte Shakespeare-in-Action Initiative The Theatre Department & the English Department We are delighted to welcome Molly G. Yarn, Ph.D. a scholar in book history, to give a talk entitled: “We Have Lost Our Labour”: Recovering Women Editors of Shakespeare Wednesday, Oct. 2 12:15-1:15 UNC Charlotte English Department Fretwell 290B

Welcome English Majors
Welcome UNC Charlotte English Majors. We have a great set of courses this semester and faculty who are eager to meet you and begin classes. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to come to the Department (2nd Floor Fretwell) and ask.

Allison Hutchcraft – New Volume of Poetry
Congratulations to Allison Hutchcraft on her forthcoming poetry collection, Swale, which will be published in the prestigious series, “New Issues Poetry and Prose.” Hutchcraft’s collection was singled out as an important new work of importance and distinction.

New Collection Edited by Elizabeth Miller
Elizabeth Miller, along with fellow scholars Hayriye Kayi-Aydar (University of Arizona), Xuesong (Andy) Gao (University of New South Wales, Australia), Manka Varghese (University of Washington), and Gergana Vitanova (University of Central Florida) has edited Theorizing and Analyzing Language Teacher Agency (Multilingual Matters). This volume examines the agency of second/foreign language teachers in diverse geographical contexts […]

Cambridge Collection Edited by Pilar Blitvich
From Speech Acts to Lay Understandings of Politeness: Multilingual and Multicultural Perspectives (Cambridge University Press, 2019), co-edited by linguistics Professor, Pilar Blitvich and Eva Ogiermann (King’s College, London) has just been published. The collection takes an up-to-date and truly global approach and encompasses a wide range of phenomena in politeness research, and discusses key developments […]

Exhibit at Chapel Hill curated by Nadia Clifton
Congratulations to Nadia Clifton (BA 2015; MA 2017) who curated the exhibit “The Uses of Books” at UNC Chapel Hill’s Wilson Special Collections Library. Nadia worked on the Charlotte Augusta Sophia collection in the Atkins Library, with Professors Melnikoff and Rauch, and earned top prize in the Charlotte Research Scholars program. She is currently completing […]

The entire UNC Charlotte community is saddened, shocked, and grieved by the assault on our students and our university. The English Department, along with the entire “Niner Nation,” is committed to moving forward with sensitivity, forethought, and undiminished memory.

Sophie Yates Misha Lazzara – Outstanding TAs
Sophie Yates and Mishael Lazzara, both in the English Graduate Program, were nominated as Outstanding TAs of the Year. They are not only outstanding students, but are remarkable teachers as well. Mishael will be attending NCState next year to pursue her MFA. Sophie, who will be giving a paper shortly at the British Women Writers […]

Alumna, Nicole Jones, Wins Award at ΣΤΔ in St. Louis
Alumna, Nicole Jones, was awarded 2nd place (and a $200 prize), in the Alumni Awards at the Annual Convention for Sigma Tau Delta. Her paper, “Satire and Pathography in Joyce Carol Oates’s Lovely, Dark, and Deep,” was drawn from an Independent Study that she pursued with Prof. Rebecca Roeder. Please extend your congratulations to Nicole, […]