
New Book by Elizabeth Miller
Elizabeth Miller is the co-editor of a new book, Extending Applied Linguistics for Social Impact, from Bloomsbury. Drawing on–but also extending–the theories and methods of applied linguistics, thecollection demonstrates how scholars of language might work together and with non-language specialists to address pressing concerns and issues of our time. Chapters explore efforts to recognize the […]

New Book by JuliAnna Ávila
Congratulations to JuliAnna Ávila on the publication of her new book, Critical Digital Literacies: Boundary-Crossing Practices, which is Vol. 7 in Brill’s “Critical Media Literacies Series.” With a focus on social justice, ther contibutors to this collection advance the theories and praxis of Critical Digital Literacies. Aimed at literacy, teacher education, and English Education practitioners, […]

Aaron Gwyn’s Novel wins 2021 Oklahoma Book Award
Kudos to Prof. Aaron Gwyn, the recepient of the 2021 Oklahoma Book Award in Fiction for his most recent novel All God’s Children. Praise for Gwyn’s novel includes Sam Sacks’s review in The Wall Street Journal, which observes that “Gwyn has couched his meanings within a swift and skillful western, which allows them to unfold […]

Angie Williams – UNC Charlotte Staff Employee of the Year
It is no surprise that Angie Williams is one of the most treasured people in the English Department, but her significance, good will, and energy have–once again–been recognized by the university. Congratulations to Angie who was just named UNC Charlotte Staff Employee of the Year in the category of Community and Public Service. The Award […]

EGSA 21st Annual Conference
Congratulations to the English Graduate Student Association (EGSA) and to The Children’s Literature Graduate Organization (CLGO) for putting together a well-organized and intellectually engaging conference. Kudos to Mikaya Marlow, Sarah Whichello. Ashley Wilson, Abbey Olive, Makayla Moore, Katie Baker, Verso Woodford, Trina Rumfelt, and Meenakshi Sathish. Organizing a conference is difficult at the best of […]

Vetter and Melnikoff – Professors of the Year
Both Prof. Lara Vetter and Prof. Kirk Melnikoff are recipients of the “Professor of the Year Award” which is given by the English Graduate Student Association and the Children’s Literature Graduate Organization. It is unclear if this is the first “tie” in the history of the award, but it is a tribute to two outstanding […]

Alan Rauch on Real & Imaginary Animals
On Thursday, Feb. 4th at 8:00 pm, Alan Rauch delivered a Charlotte TEDX presentation titled “Are Imaginary Animals Real?,” now available on YouTube. Drawing on his background in Zoology and Cultural Studies, Alan will explore the connections among real and imaginary animals… and address our responsibilities to both.

Paula Martinac’s New Novel
Congratulations to Paula Martinac on the publication of her new novel, Testimony. This novel, like so much of Martinac’s work, touches on difficult social issues of which we may be aware, though perhaps without the acuity and depth of Martinac’s insight and storytelling ability. The novel takes place In rural Virginia in 1960, and follows […]

Allison Hutchcraft’s new book of Poetry
Congratulations to Allison Hutchcraft on her wonderful new book of poetry, Swale. The poems, writes Marianne Boruch, “are about human time and love and loss through brilliant observations about the natural world.” Her poems bring together images from the natural world, some living some extinct, as well as remarkable seascapes and landscapes that turn our […]

Profs. Davis & Hutchcraft on “Charlotte Readers Podcast”
Poets Chris Davis and Allison Hutchcraft will be reading and discussing their work on “Charlotte Readers Podcast” hosted by Landis Wade. Charis and Allison will read and talk about their award-winning work, and respond to questions that offer depth and insight into the readings. The podcast audio releases on The Charlotte Readers website, CM Library’s […]