News & Kudos


Thursday, August 24, 2023 Dear Colleagues, I hope your first week of classes is going well.  It has been gratifying to see so many people in the department this week and to feel the enthusiasm for the new academic year from faculty, students, and staff.   Undergraduate Director Clayton Tarr hosted a successful event yesterday […]


Thursday, June 22, 2023 Dear Colleagues, I hope you are enjoying the summer and finding time for relaxation and renewal.  As you know, this summer is bringing changes—Jennie Mussington’s last day was May 31 and Liz Miller will step down as Undergraduate Director/Associate Chair on June 30. Clayton Tarr will become Undergraduate Director on July […]


Tuesday, April 18, 2023 Dear Colleagues, I hope your semester is wrapping up well and that you are looking forward to the summer. It has been a busy year but, thankfully, one that has seemed almost normal compared to the previous two years. Thank you for your ongoing dedication to our students, your service to […]


Tuesday, March 7, 2023Dear Colleagues,Welcome back from Spring Break!  I hope you had a restful, relaxing, productive, or adventurous time, depending what you needed the break to be.  Your colleagues have been busy recently, and I am happy to share news of their accomplishments. Also included are news items about our amazing current and former students. KUDOSTwo of our […]


Monday, January 9, 2023 Dear Colleagues, Welcome back!  I hope everyone had enjoyable holidays and a relaxing semester break. Here are some faculty and student accomplishments to celebrate as we start the spring semester.  You will also find some important reminders at the end of this missive. I wish you the very best for the […]


Tuesday, November 8, 2022 Dear Colleagues, I am happy to announce the recipients of the Mark West Study Abroad/Study Away Scholarships for 2022-23, which have been generously funded again by Twig and Barbara Branch. Undergraduate Rowan Grayson received a $2,500 award that he will use to further his research on Brazilian abolitionist literature at the Latin American Library at […]


Monday, September 19, 2022 Dear Colleagues, I have two important reminders for this week: We will hold an English Department coffee break TOMORROW Tuesday 9/20/22 in the Lounge from 10-11.  Please join your colleagues for coffee and conversation.  We will also have a Department Meeting in the Seminar Room on Friday 9/23/22 from 11-12:30. Angie will soon send out the agenda and the minutes from the […]


Monday, August 22, 2022 Dear Colleagues, Welcome to the first week of classes!  Frewtwell started off hot this morning, but the temperature has now improved.  Here are a couple reminders for this week: 1) Make sure to send Monica your syllabi and office hours for the semester; and 2) We have a department meeting this Friday […]


Thursday, June 9, 2022Dear Colleagues,I hope your summer is off to a good start. I’d like to share recent accomplishments of our faculty and students.  Our students have done amazing things in recent days, which should come as no surprise to anyone. Thank you for the outstanding teaching and mentoring you provide to our students to […]


Monday, May 16, 2022 Dear Colleagues, Whether you have research, recreation, or respite planned for this summer, I hope the next few months are beneficial in every way possible. Thank you for your hard work, dedication to the English Department and its mission, and tireless support you give to students each semester. You make real and […]


Monday, March 28, 2022 Dear Colleagues, Here are some recent accomplishments for us to celebrate on this last Monday in March. Faculty have been very busy and students continue to impress. Congratulations to all! KUDOS Rhonda Waterhouse, a graduate student in the MA Creative Writing Concentration, has been accepted to UNC Wilmington’s MFA in Creative Writing for Creative […]


Tuesday, February 22, 2022 Dear Colleagues, I hope your week is going well. It is hard to believe that spring break is around the corner.  I hope you are looking forward to a little downtime (or maybe catch-up time). In the meantime, I have a few reminders to give you: In case you missed Gary […]