Dr. Pilar Blitvich edits high-ranking journal

Dr. Pilar Blitvich launched the Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict only ten years ago, in 2012. Published by John Benjamins, a premier publisher of linguistics located in the Netherlands, the journal is now ranked 77 out of 1,117 linguistics journals, with a cite score of 3.2, after attaining Q1 (First Quartile) status several years ago.
The goal of the journal is to create a unique outlet for cutting-edge research, and has a format, content, and structure that reflect the rapidly growing interest in studies that focus on the language of aggression and conflict. The special focus on language use derives from the assumption that although aggression and conflict may manifest themselves through other means, they are fundamentally realized through language. Therefore, a thorough understanding of conflict and aggression needs to be anchored in an analysis of discourse.
The journal is multidisciplinary in nature and encourages, supports, and facilitates interaction and scholarly debate among researchers representing different fields, including but not limited to, linguistics, communication, psychology, anthropology, bi- and multilingualism, business management, second language acquisition, gender studies, among others.